Bixby update adds English Text Call Support, personal Voice Imitating, and a few other features

Samsung is bringing a new yet major update for the Bixby on Samsung devices. The new update adds English Call Text support which was earlier limited to Korean. The Bixby Call Text feature is an AI model which talks to callers and translates the conversation into text. It even offers to reply via text which AI voice model will speak to the caller. Such a feature is quite handy for some environments such as Office, or Noisy.

bixby update adds english text call support, personal voice imitating, and a few other features

Must See: Download Samsung Bixby Voice version v3.2.14.0

It is quite similar to Google’s Screen Call feature that allows talking with callers and reduces spam calls. However, the major drawback is that it purely sounds like an Artificial Voice. To overcome the issue, Bixby will learn to imitate your voice. It will allow you to record different sentences and then will use them to imitate your sound. Unfortunately, this feature is currently available in the Korean language.

Apart from the Bixby Text Call feature’s availability in English, the virtual assistant also brings the ability to select custom hot words. Unlike “Hi, Bixby” or “Bixby”, the user can customize it to something else.

Samsung even improved its ability to perform more complex tasks across apps. Furthermore, to address the privacy issue, Samsung made some commonly used commands to run offline.

The new update is coming soon for Samsung users, most probably, by the end of this month.

Simranpal Singh
Simranpal Singh
Hi, I am an avid Android fan since its release. Later, I decided to merge my interests in writing and opened up GoAndroid Blog. I love to surf, write, read about new things.


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